Nomadic Journey and Spirit of Places – Marina Abramović


Nomadic Journey and Spirit of Places – Marina Abramović:

“I believe we humans need to keep moving forward, and my own life was purely nomadic,” Abramović writes of her travel diaries. “My home was everywhere I went because my home was my own body.” With the archival material elegantly reproduced in its original size on high-quality paper, this collection offers Abramović’s enormous fanbase unprecedented access to her creative process.

Marina Abramović Hon RA has earned worldwide acclaim as a performance artist. She has consistently tested the limits of her own physical and mental endurance in her work, subjecting herself to exhaustion, pain and even the possibility of death.

In her early work Rhythm 0, Abramovic invited audiences to freely interact with her however they chose – famously resulting in a loaded gun being held to her head. Her later work The House with the Ocean View saw the artist live in a house constructed in a gallery for 12 days. Held in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York, the performance invited audiences to witness and share in the simple act of living.

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